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Borgo homes

We are experienced professionals, all with over 20 years’ construction experience, qualified and properly insured. Since 2010, we have renovated houses, built shop fronts, built extensions, garage conversions and loft conversions, all under another trading name: County Durham Building & Joinery Ltd. That company still exists and continues with work of this type.


borgo homes is a fresh venture to build quality new homes

Why 'borgo'?

'borgo' is an Italian word with various translations. 

It can mean 'hamlet', 'village' and other such synonyms. 

In times past it would also refer to a small settlement, usually outside city walls.


The name 'borgo homes' was chosen for this company as we intend to remain a family owned business building small numbers of homes on each development, outside the city walls, to a high standard. 

We also really enjoy visiting Italy's regions and find it the most fabulous language, country and people.


Borgo is also the name of the 14th rione, district, of Rome.

It is a small, beautiful Rome neighbourhood stretching between the banks of the River Tiber to The Vatican City. This lovely district has one of the most impressive sights in Rome, Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome’s only castle. This castle was built as Emperor Hadrian’s tomb and mausoleum for his successors.


Our aims

Building in an environmentally responsible manner, whenever we possibly can, is key to our ethical approach. This includes the use of many low carbon products and the employment of power & heating methods such as solar, air source and ground source, plus rainwater harvesting.


We aim to construct homes in which people can live, not just exist.

© Borgo Homes 2023

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